The past one year of my Professional career (also happens to be my First) has taught me a lot. A lot about life, life's strife and people. These days have been eye opening and certainly hard work. But most of all it has been an experience which has brought me back to my senses and shattered my perception that struggle ends with a Masters degree. Actually, the real struggle starts there. During the course of the year I have had the fortune to work in diverse companies of various shapes and sizes. My current employment is with the biggest organization in the country, which would be the government, prior to which I was with a leading Business Daily and before which I was in IT. Hence, I can safely say that I have had 'varied' experience. Earlier I had a very different picture of how work would be but now having experienced it, I would have to say it is not quite what I thought. It is a lot less fun and a lot more slogging each and every day if you want to keep going and growing. Otherwise, you would end up in the mass of unemployed and under employed skilled workers. It takes a lot more than good grades because good grades can get you to the interview but to pass through and actually perform needs a lot more than just technical knowledge. It needs a cool, calm and patient mind which has the strength of a Pressure Cooker and the superconductivity of ultra-cooled Mercury to let the unnecessary heat received from superiors to disappear into the environment without inciting a reaction. It also needs a person to be able suckup to people like a hotel waiter would to a generous tipper as part of his Personal Relations initiative because it is ultimately relations or rather relations emanating from mutual benefit which count and end up in the business category of the Blackberry contacts list. One should be ready to stay in late unnecessarily and may check his mails and perform other unproductive chores during the day so that he may appear diligent and hard working to the management by burning the midnight oil. It is also required that one may absolutely abolish one's sense of integrity and self importance in front of the superior and be on his toes to do everything frivolous and meaningless which may or may not (but is expected to be done) be asked of him. It needs to be mentioned that one has to be clearly ready to be underpaid if he wants to lead his life successfully without incidence in the office or else he would have a hard time finding or sticking to a job. One should have an understanding that the job responsibilities mentioned to him during the recruitment process are only indicative and one may deployed any place required as one is a 'Paid Resource' and not a 'Human' employee and moreover from the company's point of view putting you out to do anything is what it meant by giving you a broader experience and exposure.
For me these are a lot of things to ask for. I fall short on a lot of the above mentioned requirements especially on the sucking up and the peoples part and hence am yet to be counted as a 'Star' on the BCG matrix. Till then let me be happy being the 'Question Mark'.
Till the next time....